Why enroll in a photography course?

Feb 12, 2023

With smartphones, photography is increasingly present in our lives, and taking pictures is getting easier. So why study photography? And what should you study?

portrait photography retreat enzo dal verme

Enzo Dal Verme

Tree photographed during the blue hour

Technique helps

Although it may seem that learning photographic technique is not as necessary these days, greater technical mastery corresponds to greater freedom of expression. One studies photographic technique in order to… be able to forget it. And also to have a heightened awareness of what one is doing.

Photography is a language

Mastering your equipment is undoubtedly important, but photography is much more than that. Photography is a language and, as such, serves to shape one’s ideas and communicate them. Technique in photography is a bit like grammar in literature: it helps make manifest what we wish to share. But what is it that we want to share?

When Henri Cartier-Bresson said, “We photographers deal with things that vanish all the time, and when they have vanished there is no expedient on earth that can bring them back”, what was he referring to?

There are precious moments just waiting to be captured by our lens. We must, first of all, learn to focus on what these moments are, be clear about what we want to capture, and decide what impact we want our photos to have. It almost sounds like something taken for granted, doesn’t it? Yet, it is not so for everyone. In fact, people rarely ask themselves these questions.

A photograph is a witness to our view of the world

Studying photography also means asking ourselves “why do I photograph?” Indeed, what is the point of being virtuosos of the technically perfect shot if the subjects of our images say little?

Whether we are documenting an event, shaping a fantasy of our own, portraying a person or, simply, taking visual notes, the way we observe reality becomes apparent in the images we create. What we consider significant and decide to photograph from a certain point of view may go completely unnoticed by other people who would have the opportunity to see it.

A good photography course helps one learn how to observe and express oneself with the language of photography.

How do you choose the right photography course for you?

There is an incredible amount on offer: from the seasoned professional sharing his knowledge on the view camera, to the blogger teaching how to take the most Instagrammable selfie. Some photography courses are more valuable than others, and it’s difficult to determine in advance what will be the best fit for you. It is important, however, to identify what you would also like to learn based on your own flaws. There are some highly creative photographers who struggle to turn their ideas into images. For them, a purely technical course in which they learn to juggle camera operations can be extremely helpful. By contrast, others are highly technical, but their photographs are a bit cold. Creative photography classes that stimulate them to observe the world from different points of view and gain new insights into framing would be better suited for them.

Technique can be learned and taste develops over time by continuing to experiment. Of course, mistakes remain the greatest teachers. When you make a glaring mistake, the next time, you will remember well to handle your shots in another way.

Different solutions for studying photography

Photography courses are structured programs that typically last several weeks or months. Classes provide training in the main aspects of the subject, including composition, lighting and post-production, and the history of photography. They are ideal for those who want to receive a fairly comprehensive education.

Those who don’t want to make such a major commitment, but want the guidance of a teacher, might consider private photography classes. These are more suitable for those who have a basic knowledge and want to deepen some aspects of their photographic training.

Then there are photography workshops: intensive, short-term programs that provide hands-on experience in a particular aspect of photography.

Photography workshops, in general, are very specific. For example, a nude workshop affords the opportunity to enter a photo studio or location and portray the model under the supervision of the teaching photographer. Or, travel workshops allow participants to visit places where there is a certainty of being able to take interesting shots. By attending a photography workshop, you have the advantage of having access to an experience that would be difficult to arrange on your own, plus you have the guidance of an experienced photographer.

Photography retreats typically don’t focus solely on improving photographic skills. They are an occasion to spend some time away from the business of everyday life and immerse yourself in a practice.

The portrait photography retreats in Tuscany

Similar to yoga or meditation retreats, the portrait photography retreat in Tuscany is a journey of personal transformation in which photography is used as a tool to inquire into reality and oneself.

Participants get to know themselves better by photographing others and improve their photographic abilities too.

There are exercises on perception, interaction and creativity to be performed individually, in pairs or in a group, with or without the camera. We start each day with Qi Gong movement and also have daily meditation. Incidentally, we laugh… a lot!

The retreats are really laid back, an opportunity to set aside competitiveness and enjoy the company of like-minded creative people. There’s nothing to prove, no results to achieve, no one to impress… just a playground brimming with inspiration to cultivate new skills and explore photography as a tool that supports us in an intensely nourishing creative journey.

What is the best choice for you to study?

If you are in doubt about which is the right option for you, ask yourself:

  • What would you like to learn?
  • What areas do you feel weakest in?
  • What are you most excited to imagine studying?
  • What options do you have (of time and investment)?

By inquiring about photography schools near you, the photography courses you are most interested in, and the possibilities of taking classes or attending upcoming photography workshops or photography retreats, it will be easier to determine what best fits your needs.

Each option offers a unique experience and education in photography, so choose the one that most closely matches your needs and goals.